Every January, it’s the same old story. Ads for gyms, online training courses, and diets invade our spaces. It’s time to change your life and make some New Year’s resolutions. What? Didn’t you keep yours from last year? The calendar is giving you a chance to redeem yourself!

Can we tell you a secret? At Puissante, we're not big fans of New Year's resolutions . We have nothing against change, but the concept of New Year's resolutions often comes with a lot of pressure . Losing weight, exercising , meditating every day: under the cover of promises of a better life, there are hidden restrictions and a real threat to self-esteem . To start the year off on a self-love note, here's our guide to approaching New Year's resolutions with kindness and love.

To be more fulfilled or… to become someone else?

The double standard that is imposed on women whispers in our ear that we are not enough. We should change our bodies according to trends while remaining natural. We should have personality without making too many waves. We should be sexually developed while remaining prudish. 👎

From a young age, we are encouraged to become something else , a creature so perfect that it is not human.

What if we tried to aim for the preferred version of ourselves rather than the dictate of the "best version of ourselves"? 😍

A version that puts the decision-making power back in our hands. Guided by pleasure and enthusiasm , we make choices that shake the beauty, fitness and clothing industries.

At Puissante, we also have the deep conviction that when we learn to know ourselves, we end up loving ourselves without compromise . Change then happens smoothly . New habits seem obvious. We no longer need to deprive ourselves or force ourselves to put them in place. 🙌

How to keep your resolutions realistic

If you still want to take advantage of the general energy of the new year, here are some practical tips for healthy and realistic resolutions.

      • Start from the desired identity
        Let’s get back to your favorite version of yourself. Who are they? What is their daily life like? What do they do in their free time? Make a mood board of this person and take the time to feel their emotions. Then make sure that their desires are your own. If they seem a bit cliché or don’t make your stomach flutter, leave them alone.

      • Clearly define your goal
        “Mastering my finances”, “having confidence in myself” are not goals, they are desirable states of mind. Your judgment of your success will easily be altered by the mood of the day.
        Be specific in formulating your resolution. To do this, have a quantifiable, measurable and time-defined intention.
        For example, ask yourself what activities or habits will help you take control of your finances. Creating a budget that is easy to use, setting aside money monthly, or reading a chapter of a financial literacy book a day are specific goals.

      • Remove obstacles
        You've set a simple, measurable goal, now it's time to make it achievable. So make sure your resolution is easy to implement for days when you don't feel like it or don't have time. If you want to walk once or twice a week, plan your outfit the night before and have a selection of routes on hand. Also, opt for a reward system that will show your brain that this new habit is good. For example, treat yourself to a spa treatment or massage when you reach a milestone.

    These tips apply all year round. The best time to make resolutions is when you feel in sync. So f*ck January 1st ! 🔥

    You can invite new habits on May 7th as well as on September 29th. You also have the right to change your mind, go back and even start over.

    The greatest transformations happen in silence. Alongside your metamorphosis, think about taking stock of your journey. In this article, we show you step by step how to establish a positive assessment of your year.

    Some ideas for good resolutions under the sign of self-love

    Explore your pleasure

    Pleasure is a wonderful way to give yourself love . Taking the time to discover what makes your senses vibrate is the key to putting joy and wonder back into your life. ✨

    This quest for what transports you can begin in the privacy of your bedroom. Slipped between your sheets, treat yourself to a moment of pleasure with your fingers or a vibrator .

    Take the time to caress your body and build up the excitement . Observe your sensations and reactions to define what pleases you. The more you know your pleasure, the more you will be able to increase it tenfold as you explore. 💦

    Pleasure is not only sexual. It is sometimes found in a slice of pastry, in a moment suspended barefoot in the garden or in an impromptu dance full of sensuality .

    Let yourself be carried by this vital momentum that makes you feel fully alive!

    Track your menstrual cycle

    Are you afraid of meditation and do intuition exercises seem too high-minded to reconnect with your body ? Try to understand how your cycle works.

    Taking note of your emotional state and thoughts every day and linking them to the stages of your menstrual cycle is like developing a real superpower . Bye-bye to the injunction to always be on top, it's time to listen to yourself. 🍾🍾

    After a few weeks, you will be able to make choices and plan your week in accordance with the messages your body sends you.

    If you want to take your first steps in this extraordinary adventure, we strongly recommend that you read our complete guide.

    Each beginning of a cycle is an opportunity to put a little more good vibes in your daily life . Good resolutions should not be a source of anxiety and frustration. They should not even be an obligation! We hope that this article has helped you approach the new year differently. As for us, no resolutions for 2023. We continue to offer you crazy products and 100% self-love blog articles . 😘


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