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Like everything traditionally about femininity, periods have their share of myths and misconceptions . Beyond blood, it is also contraception, mood swings, fertility or even the ravages of premenstrual syndrome that are still taboo. Despite better scientific knowledge, ordinary people ( AKA us ) have not been educated about our own menstrual cycle . The time has come to remedy this and make your menstruation allies of everyday life . To explore your cycle, we offer 5 books on rules and their fascinating universe.

Turning your periods into a superpower: Enjoying your cycle by Gaëlle Baldassari

If you've read our article on the phases of the menstrual cycle , you already know why knowing your cycle is life changing. Reconnection to your body, benevolent acceptance of your emotions, better organization: enough to offer us a good dose of self-love!

Before being a book, Kiffe Ton Cycle is a movement launched by Gaëlle Baldassari. Having gone through a burnout and difficulties conceiving a child , the author looked into how her menstruation works to find the key to her well-being.

In her book, she tells us all about hormones and their influence on our body . Fluctuations in estrogen, progesterone and testosterone then become waves that we learn to ride. 🏄‍♀️

Ultra-clear, accessible and complete, Kiffe ton cycle connects hormones with emotions to teach us how to use each phase to our advantage.

To go even further, Gaëlle offers us online programs dedicated to monitoring the menstrual cycle, first periods and PMS.

Learn to follow your menstrual cycle: Female cycle and natural contraception by Audrey Guillemaud

Have you ever heard of natural contraception? Symptothermy is a method of observing her cycle that can also be used to check her fertility.

Of course, knowing intimately how your body works does not happen overnight. Happy for us, Audrey Guillemaud composed a bible to guide us . 🙌

In this book, the author invites us to embody a conscious and fulfilled femininity by popularizing scientific data using clear language and beautiful illustrations .

Once the basics are laid, she gives us a precise method that allows us to define our periods of fertility and infertility . This follow-up is carried out using a follow-up notebook at the end of the work. We can record our body temperature, the appearance of our cervical mucus. 🔍

The little bonus, a table for the man to observe himself too. The book will therefore be practical for all configurations of couples who wish to understand their cyclical nature and embrace it.

To understand the taboo of menstruation: This is my blood by Élise Thiébaut

We already recommended This Is My Blood in our selection of books for feeling powerful . He's still on this list because we love him.

Unlike the two previous books which are more practical, this period book is an intimate account of forty years of menstruation. 🩸

The author depicts her journey as a menstruating woman and questions the history of women's relationship to their blood flow . Throughout the pages, she sends us her questions and anthropological, cultural and even social findings .

His humorous speech is backed by scientific research to pedagogically demystify this natural phenomenon shared by many of us.

Rules and Spirituality: Red Moon by Miranda Gray

Lune Rouge is a bit like the mystical and sacred inclination of Kiffe ton cycle . Miranda Gray presents her more spiritual and symbolic version of cycle tracking.

The author draws the parallel between traditional tales, female archetypes and the phases of the moon to better understand each phase of the menstrual cycle. This reading grid allows us to connect to the wisdom of our intimacy and to live in harmony with our energies .

By combining the stories with practical tools and exercises , Miranda Gray wishes to introduce modern women to their cyclical nature and thus give them "the means to take full advantage of a passionate and creative existence". 🍃

Although the link between the menstrual cycle and the phases of the moon has never been scientifically proven, the metaphor is still inspiring. It allows us to honor this cyclical and almost wild part of us that is too often overlooked.

For your daughter, little sister, niece: The rules, what an adventure! by Élise Thiébaut and Mirion Malle

Because we can explore its power from 7 to 77 years old , we wanted to slip a children's book into our recos of books on the rules.

Superbly illustrated by feminist illustrator Mirion Malle, this playful book is primarily intended for pre-teens who are facing their first period. Reassuring and educational , it prepares in particular for the choice of hygienic protection and the first appointment with the gynecologist.

We particularly love the reflection he brings to taboos and the history of menstruation. We're willing to bet that even adults will learn about their own periods! 💪

There are more and more period books out there and that's good news. Each book is one more step towards a healthy relationship with our body and a benevolent reconnection to our menstrual cycle. If you want to continue to reconcile with your period, why not try having sex or masturbating during your period ? Here is a selection of items with little onions just for you! 😉


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