Fever and headache? Go to the doctor! Teeth that become sensitive over the months? The dentist appointment is made! And when the libido is at half-mast , when passion has disappeared from the couple or when we question our sexual orientation , what do we do? A field still taboo in France where knowledge is only shared in hushed tones, sexuality also has its share of professionals ready to accompany us towards well-being . Consulting a sexologist can be a scary act , because we don't really know what to expect. Puissante has prepared a complete guide for you to take the plunge and be accompanied by a professional adapted to your needs.

What does it mean to be a sexologist in France?

On the doctors' side, we have an Inter-University Diploma recognized by the State. It allows them to mention this expertise on their prescriptions and their professional plaque.

It is generally accessible by midwives, pharmacists, nurses, physiotherapists, psychomotor therapists and psychologists. 🎓

Some professionals only practice sexology, others practice it with another specialty such as general medicine, urology, psychiatry, gynecology or endocrinology.

In France, doctors and sexologists play an important national role in the management of sexual problems encountered by women. Whether for sexual difficulties , a relationship problem or questions about their desire , women can consult a sexologist to find answers adapted to their situation.

There are also many sexologists with a psychology background . They are often called " sex therapists " or " clinical sexologists ". These people cannot perform examinations or prescribe medications due to their non-medical status. However, they offer solid expertise focused on psychological, relational and sexuality aspects. 💑

And then there are the others . Those who improvise as experts in your intimate life by mixing new age practices, personal development books and methods that have not been validated by the scientific community.

Taking the plunge and consulting therefore requires you to target your problem well and demonstrate critical thinking. Don't panic, we'll tell you everything you need to know in the next few paragraphs. 🔍

Why consult a sexologist?

Contrary to popular belief, making an appointment with a sexologist or sex therapist is not limited to libido issues . Their role is much broader than that. They are in reality partners in our sexual fulfillment .

The first mission of a sexologist is to listen to you and support you during therapy or a single appointment.

Consulting a sexologist is the key to exploring , understanding your difficulties and enriching your sexuality in a healthy and informed way . These professionals offer empathetic and specialized support to address the themes of sexuality and couple relationships. 🙌

Depending on his or her training and specialization, he or she can help you resolve these difficulties:

  • Diagnosing and treating sexual disorders

    Perfect as a complement to a midwife during the postpartum period or to go through the metamorphosis of menopause. They are allies of choice to understand dyspareunia, anorgasmia or even endometriosis .

  • Managing relationship concerns
    The consultation offers a space to exchange communication problems, disagreements or relationship difficulties related to sexuality. The sexology professional is the right person to overcome a decrease in intimacy in the couple or the running out of steam of passion. 🌡️

  • Spreading sex education
    They are the reference people to receive informed information on sexual health, sexually transmitted diseases, contraception. More sourced than some blogs and accounts on social networks, these professionals accompany us towards a positive sexuality .

  • Supporting life and gender transitions
    They support individuals or couples during life phases such as pregnancy, menopause or hormonal changes. Sexologists open a safe space to explore and understand questions of sexual and gender identity . 🏳️‍🌈

  • Sexual Trauma Management
    Some sexologists and sex therapists are specifically trained in post-traumatic support. These professionals help people who have had traumatic experiences related to sexuality to overcome these ordeals, regardless of the intensity of the experience.

  • Building self-confidence
    Finally, sexologists can become the best allies of our sexual esteem . They share with us the keys to lifting taboos and embracing our bodies as much as our desires. The dream, right? 🤩

Choosing the right sexology professional

Finding THE sexologist who has the necessary qualifications and with whom the feeling passes naturally requires a little effort. But we promise you that the energy spent in the search for the rare pearl is worth it to revive your sex life and stimulate your libido to the max! 💪

But to get there, good training in sexology is essential!

1️⃣ First step, check the qualifications. Make sure that your sexologist has followed a recognized training in sexology, whether it comes from medicine, psychology or even coaching. Take the opportunity to check his specialization . If you need a hand to say bye-bye to vaginal dryness , you may not need a relationship expert.

2️⃣ Then, refer to the professional directories . In France, you can count on those of the National Union of Sexologist Doctors ( SNMS ) and the National Union of Clinical Sexologists ( SNSC ) . These are gold mines for finding qualified people near you. 📍

3️⃣ Direct testimonials are always valuable. Don't hesitate to ask your friends , your GP or other trusted professionals if they know a good sexologist. Online reviews are also an excellent source of information. In addition to knowing if the person is competent, you will be able to check that their vision of sexuality corresponds to your problem.

4️⃣ Finally, don't be afraid to make initial contact. Contact the sexologist by phone or email to ask questions about their approach, rates, and availability. This will already give you an idea of ​​the person's profile. You have the right to make several mistakes before finding the person who will be able to guide you through their expertise in sexology towards a fulfilling sex life. 😉

How does a sex therapy consultation take place?

The first appointment with a sex therapist is like a first date: a mixture of excitement and apprehension! We are therefore sharing an example of a consultation to give you an idea of ​​what to expect. Let's keep in mind that each professional has their own approach and protocol.

In the consulting room, you can feel free to express yourself, to say and tell everything. Indeed, the sex therapist is there to understand the needs of his or her patients in terms of sexual life, without value judgment and with kindness. ❤️

A session with a specialist begins with the fundamental step of active listening. This is the moment when you can talk about your situation, the state of your desire, your relationship with your partner, your current difficulty and anything that troubles you. The more details you give, the better the person will be able to do their job. During this initial consultation, also express your expectations regarding their services.

After the listening phase comes the phase of questions and discussion that allow the sexologist to better understand the patients and their difficulties in order to better decipher them. If the disorders are of a medical nature, you will surely be entitled to an auscultation. If your situation is more psychological, in this case the sexologist will serve as a guide and mirror so that you can untangle your mind and find a solution together.

Once the session is over, you are completely free to ask all your questions, even the naughtiest or craziest! The sexology specialist is there to answer you and encourage you to take the path to a positive sexuality that suits you. 🌸

You can also consult a sexologist accompanied by your partner to take care of the health of your couple. The person will be able to offer you solutions to strengthen your relationship , whether it is with a man, a woman or someone in between.

You've reached the end of the article, which means you have all the information you need to find the person who will help you achieve a sexuality filled with pleasure and excitement. By taking this step, you are choosing to better understand your sexuality and embrace your intimate well-being . Remember, your sexual happiness deserves all the attention and support it needs to flourish fully! To continue to maintain it, go to the wellness section of this journal. ❤️


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