A multitude of factors influence libido, some are hormonal while the other depends on the context. Hormones naturally impact libido , because their goal is to prepare the body for procreation. Understanding the fluctuations in desire throughout your menstrual cycle provides a reading grid that allows you to better communicate with your partner. It is also an opportunity to break the taboo around a libido that must always be at its best.

The impact of hormones on sexuality

The three main hormones that affect our cycle are estrogen, testosterone and progesterone . And yes, testosterone is not just for men! 💪

Estrogens affect cervical mucus (also called "white discharge"), the texture and temperature of the cervix , and the regeneration of the uterine lining .

Progesterone works to close the cervix, prevent further ovulation, and create a comfortable environment if you are pregnant.

Finally, testosterone is responsible for conditioning the libido , it triggers more desire as ovulation approaches.

These hormones also play a key role in lubrication and therefore greatly facilitate pleasure during sexual intercourse.💦

During a transition , taking anti-androgenic or anti-estrogenic hormonal treatment also has a direct influence on the fluctuation of desire.

The evolution of libido throughout the phases of the cycle

The rules

According to a 2003 study by the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, 62% of women surveyed experience a spike in libido during their period . At first, this may seem strange, as the body is no longer ready to welcome a fetus.

However, testosterone levels are gradually increasing . According to recent research, this hormone is largely responsible for the increase in libido during menstruation. ⚡ This increase influences sexual energy and the desire returns after the post-ovulatory phase.

Conversely, some people have a low libido because of the physical and physiological symptoms of menstruation. Their mood is unstable, their lower back is tight, and their uterus is in self-destruction mode. But did you know that masturbation and intercourse during menstruation have a downright beneficial effect on these symptoms? We tell you everything in this article about the benefits of pleasure during your period.

The follicular phase

It is during this phase that we feel the most attractive and confident. The body prepares for ovulation and sexual desire increases. 🔥🔥

Estrogen levels increase, which thickens the endometrium and the desire for sexual intercourse begins to be felt.


A few days before the ovulatory phase, there is a peak in estrogen and testosterone . At this time, the body gives everything it has to give you a burning desire to make love.

Warn your partner or prepare a solo pleasure session for yourself, it's the perfect time to let all your sexual energy express itself!

The luteal phase

Progesterone continues to rise during this phase. It prepares the uterus and endometrium for the implantation of a fertilized egg . If you don't get pregnant, the hormone drops off until the next cycle.

During this period, libido tends to decrease , especially if you suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or dysphoric disorders. Hypersensitivity, pain and stress have a major impact on your sex life and often call for rest.

Track your cycle to better understand your sexual desire

The phases described in this article are only indicative and are in no way the norm. Each person who menstruates has their own menstrual cycle and their own fluctuations in desire. This is why studying the different phases and taking notes over several cycles is important.

🔍 By observing your cycle , you will learn to detect changes in mood and libido and will be able to be more in tune with yourself . There are a multitude of applications such as Clue or Flo to keep track of it. You can also play it old school with a dedicated notebook that you fill out every day.

Gather the following data to gain a better understanding and acceptance of how your body works.

  • general mood
  • physical symptoms
  • level of desire
  • if sexual intercourse, rate your appreciation

The link between menstrual cycle and libido is very close. Understanding it and observing yourself allows you to be closer to your health , but also to learn to accept yourself a little more each day. Other factors influence desire such as stress level, self-confidence or even contraception. We remind you, there are no rules or standards when it comes to sexuality. The only thing that really matters is to be comfortable and to have fun without compromise. 💕


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